Calling All Princesses….


Here-ye, here-ye…calling all princesses…

 Do you know any princesses-young or young-at-heart-with a birthday between Sat-Mon??

Enter to win a FREE Princess Display to surprise them this weekend!

Submit your name, email, their name, age, address, and what makes them such a great recipient. E-mail the info to All we ask in return is that you either post a photo of the birthday girl & her display on our Facebook page or email to us & we will showcase on our website.

Specifics: This is to win a free DIY rental of our princess yard display. Winner will pick up & return display in League City. Any damaged or missing signs will incur a fee. $10 per small crown, $30 for big crown.

Don’t know any birthday princesses for this weekend? That’s ok. We have a contest for you, too. Share our website & princess contest by either Facebook, Twitter or email, and be sure to
mention Flamingos 2 Go-or cc us with the email. You’ll be entered to win a FREE DIY yard display to use between now & March 31, 2013…assuming the Mayans were not correct.

Have a wonderful day!!
