Crafty time! (Again)


My craft project is coming along! This was my first time using Mod Podge & glitter. Wow! That was messier & stinkier than I expected.

Here’s a close-up of a couple of glittered letters. I wonder how much of this stuff is going to come off.


I left the “2” unglitterred to see if anyone has any ideas to make it stand out a little differently. Or should I just glitter it the same as the other letters?

I think I found the right backdrop. It’s very simple-solid black satin. But how about the hot pink sequin border?!! I’ve been looking for pink feather boa material, but I ran across this & think it’s really pretty. My friend Pattie called it “tasteful bling.”


Any opinions or suggestions?! The “2” looks naked now, so I need those ideas. I would love to hear from you crafty people, please!!!

-Chris Ann