It’s time for some baseball!

Calling all little sluggers…..


I am excited to show off the new baseball signs I just received!!!! There are so many baseball players & fans in our area, so I thought it would be fun to add to our Sports signs.

Besides the baseballs themselves, here’s the phrases & other signs I am thinking of adding to it:
“Home Run”
“Take me out to the ballpark…”
“Batter up”
“Happy Birthday Slugger”
Red & White Stars
Red Balloons
Any other color like their baseball team’s color
Baseball mitt
Baseball bat

What do you think? Any other suggestions on phrases or signs to add?


Do you know a baseball player with a birthday coming up? Post their birthday & age, neighborhood/area & what makes them special on in the comments below or on our Facebook page & enter for a chance to win our free baseball display!!

I’m hoping the baseball display will be a hit with all of the baseball teams out there! In case you didn’t know…I also have football & golf sports themes. 🙂

Do you like our baseball theme? Please let me know!!!! I love getting feedback from my awesome clients!!!!!


Chris Ann
