What a day! You never know how it’s going to work out. I would not have imagined I would get a little tearful over one of my yards today. But I did. Here’s why.

My friend’s mom had to get her 2nd kidney removed (on my birthday last Thursday) because of cancer. She will have to be on dialysis probably the rest of her life, or at least for a few years when she may be able to receive a new kidney. Awful, awful, awful. I wanted to do something to make her smile so I offered to donate a yard display. We didn’t think it was going to happen because of scheduling issues.

My friend & I are not close. But she is the sweetest person you could ever meet. She & I met when she started helping Logan with Occupational Therapy way back when we were attending The Galloway School & Logan was 3-4 years old. Logan loved her! When Facebook came along, it gave us the opportunity to re-connect! This is what I love about Facebook.

I kept thinking about “What if this were my mom?” She would have LOVED something like this. So I ended up dropping all of my to-do list this afternoon, loaded up the car, and drove to Pasadena. I made sure I did as good of a job as possible. In fact, I got over-heated & had to take a break. But I prevailed. ๐Ÿ™‚

The “Welcome Home” yellow star lawn letters with smiley stars, smileys & red hearts really make a statement when you start driving down the street. Do you like?!


Here is the right side of the yard.









I even made sure I had my “We Love You” heart to set up.








The full yard (taken from across the street because the display took up so much room):








I think everything turned out really cute & I was happy with it so I sent all of my pics to my friend. I was in shock when I received her reply:

“Oh my gosh, Chris! That’s PERFECT! THANK YOU SO MUCH! She is going to LOVE that. You are so AWESOME to do that for her. Your gesture has touched me so much that I am crying.”


WOW! That’s why I was tearing up! I don’t often let myself get caught up in the emotional yards. They are hard enough thinking about the sad, traumatic experience the family is going through. I always just try to do my very best to make their display great like it were for my family so that it will give them one brief moment to smile. So here I was getting all teary-eyed! It really touched my heart. I could feel her gratitude even through text. It was just so sweet & loving.

I can’t wait to hear about her mom’s reaction when she is driving up tomorrow! I wish I had video cameras planted in the yard so I could catch her!!! I am hoping she has enough strength & energy to walk to the front yard & get her photo taken with her surprise. ๐Ÿ™‚

I am so happy that this sweet mom is going to come home tomorrow & know how much her daughters love her. I can just feel her heart fill up with joy & happiness. That’s my hope. ๐Ÿ™‚

Cheers to an emotional day!

Chris Ann